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Pois, é o da destruição e isso, né? Só vejo dizerem mal daquilo... deve ser fdd de implementar merdas e de alterar cenas... Só pode ser por aí, que visualmente é brutal.

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It wasn’t even supposed to be called Anthem. Just days before the annual E3 convention in June of 2017, when the storied studio BioWare would reveal its newest...

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“Frostbite is full of razor blades,” one former BioWare employee told me a few weeks ago, aptly summing up the feelings of perhaps hundreds of game developers who have worked at Electronic Arts over the past few years.


Frostbite is a video game engine, or a suite of technology that is used to make a game. Created by the EA-owned Swedish studio DICE in order to make Battlefield shooters, the Frostbite engine became ubiquitous across Electronic Arts this past decade thanks to an initiative led by former executive Patrick Söderlund to get all of its studios on the same technology. (By using Frostbite rather than a third-party engine like Unreal, those studios could share knowledge and save a whole lot of money in licensing fees.) BioWare first shifted to Frostbite for Dragon Age: Inquisition in 2011, which caused massive problems for that team. Many of the features those developers had taken for granted in previous engines, like a save-load system and a third-person camera, simply did not exist in Frostbite, which meant that the Inquisition team had to build them all from scratch. Mass Effect: Andromeda ran into similar issues. Surely the third time would be the charm?


As it turned out, Anthem was not the charm. Using Frostbite to build an online-only action game, which BioWare had never done before, led to a host of new problems for BioWare’s designers, artists, and programmers. “Frostbite is like an in-house engine with all the problems that entails—it’s poorly documented, hacked together, and so on—with all the problems of an externally sourced engine,” said one former BioWare employee. “Nobody you actually work with designed it, so you don’t know why this thing works the way it does, why this is named the way it is.”


Throughout those early years in development, the Anthem team realized that many of the ideas they’d originally conceived would be difficult if not impossible to create on Frostbite. The engine allowed them to build big, beautiful levels, but it just wasn’t equipped with the tools to support all of those ambitious prototypes that they’d created. Slowly and gradually, they started cutting back on the environmental and survival features that they’d devised for Anthem, in large part because they just weren’t working.

“Part of the trouble was you could do enough in the engine to hack it to show what was possible, but then to get the investment behind it to get it actually done took a lot longer, and in some cases you’d run into a brick wall,” said a BioWare developer. “Then you’d realize, ‘Oh my god, we can do this only if we reinvent the wheel, which is going to take too long.’ It was sometimes difficult to know when to cut and run.”


Even today, BioWare developers say Frostbite can make their jobs exponentially more difficult. Building new iterations on levels and mechanics can be challenging due to sluggish tools, while bugs that should take a few minutes to squash might require days of back-and-forth conversations. “If it takes you a week to make a little bug fix, it discourages people from fixing bugs,” said one person who worked on Anthem. “If you can hack around it, you hack around it, as opposed to fixing it properly.” Said a second: “I would say the biggest problem I had with Frostbite was how many steps you needed to do something basic. With another engine I could do something myself, maybe with a designer. Here it’s a complicated thing.”


“It’s hard enough to make a game,” said a third BioWare developer. “It’s really hard to make a game where you have to fight your own tool set all the time.”


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On 4/12/2019 at 3:38 PM, Mini0n said:
Sempre que se fala em merda vindo da EA, fala-se no Frostbyte... O que será que é mau? A programação em si e a forma de fazer as cenas? É que visualmente é muito interessante.

Acho que estava naquela investigação sobre o desenvolvimento do Anthem.

Não tem boa documentação e o motor não está preparado apra algumas coisas (e.g., não está optimizado para mapas expansivos). Acho que era mais ou menos isto.

Edited by DeathShadow
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Estava a achar que conhecia a cara do personagem principal de algum lado fui ao imdb e é mesmo o gajo que faz de Joker no Gotham.


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1 hour ago, Mini0n said:

Boxes. Vindo da EA até uma torrada pode ter loot boxes...

O Mass Effect Andromeda, pelo menos na componente single player, não tinha loot boxes. Ando a jogar de momento o Dragon Age Inquisition e também não tem loot boxes. 

Por isso também não é bem assim, que um jogo da EA single player vai ter loot boxes.

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O que se sabe foi que eles, EA/DICE, foram os primeiros a orgulhosamente mandar um tweet onde mencionam especificamente que não vão existir MTs no jogo.

O resto é discussão da treta.

13 minutes ago, cursed said:

Anda se a confundir MTX com lootboxes. 


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Não tenho acompanhado o q tem saído de SW em termos de jogos, mas se é a EA a tomar conta do recado, então já sei q n interessa. Tb já sei q n vale mto a pena esperar pq qq coisa q no fim, não decepcione. A EA já esgotou os meus créditos há décadas. 

Se eles fizessem um KOTOR ou algo do estilo (bem feito, claro), tinham aí a chave p vender toneladas e fazer montes de guito. A minha previsão é q como de costume se fiquem por um jogo bonito e tal mas tremendamente superficial e vazio de conteúdo. Já p n falar nas barracadas q hj em dia todos os grandes jogos parecem ter. 

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"Ei malta, estão a ver? Este jogo não tem a parte que tem minado completamente o mercado dos jogos! Este jogo é mesmo isso! Um jogo! Não é um casino, não é uma mini loja, com merdas que podíamos dar, mas que vendemos, porque os jogos custam a fazer e os nossos até que são baratos!"

Só falta virem dizer que não vão ter DLC mas isso é praticamente impossível.

O DA não tem MTX porque o jogo é relativamente antigo e nessa altura ainda não era moda..

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Muito bom. :) É longo, mas vale a pena. Um bocadinho de história deste tipo de jogos. Curtia tanto ver um Black & White 3... Nos dias de hoje, com gráficos de hoje, com VR... ui...

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