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Posts posted by Kramer610

  1. 5.139.726 dos eleitores não votaram. Acho isto vergonhoso e não gostando do Cavaco Silva acho que estes 5.139.726 merecem-no.

    Na Austrália é assim:

    What happens if I do not vote?

    Initially the Australian Electoral Commission will write to all apparent non-voters requesting that they either provide a reason for their failure to vote or pay a $20 penalty.

    If, within 21 days, the apparent non-voter fails to reply, cannot provide a valid and sufficient reason or declines to pay the penalty, then prosecution proceedings may be instigated. If the matter is dealt with in court and the person is found guilty, he or she may be fined up to $50 plus court costs.

    Votar não é um direito mas sim um dever.

  2. Farpas do actor cómico inglês que apresentou a gala provocaram polémica

    Ricky Gervais dificilmente voltará a apresentar os Globos de Ouro



    Grande Gervais!

    No blog do Gervais...

    I enjoyed the Globes more this year. I think I had better gags. More along the lines of the Mel Gibson one last year.

    Obviously the rumour that the organizers stopped me going out on stage for an hour is rubbish. I did every link I was scheduled to do. The reason why the gaps were uneven is because when I got the rundown I was allowed to choose who I presented to. I obviously chose the spots that I had the best gags for. They couldn't move around the order but I could move around however I wanted.

    All the same conspiracy theories as last year too... "So and so was offended"... "hasn't been invited back yet"... exactly the same as last time. "Paul McCartney was furious"... no he wasn't. And nor was Tim Allen and Tom Hanks. I was drinking with them after.

    Why do people have to embellish? They're allowed to say they hated it. They're allowed to say they didn't find it funny, that it was tasteless, over the top, or whatever. But why do they speculate and make stuff up?

    Don't worry, I know the answer. Because it's more interesting than "it went fine and some people won some awards and then went to a party". But that's all that happened.

    Actually, I see what they mean. Boring. So here's what really happened. Bruce Willis and Sly Stallone started a fight with me but Alec Baldwin and Mark Walberg stepped in and helped me out. That's what happened.

  3. Porra! Isto não faz sentido nenhum.

    Para quem não sabe, as fatiotas do Tron são reais, na zona onde está o "disco" está um pequeno gerador que dá energia aos led's que percorrem o fato.

    Foi dos guarda-roupa mais caros da história do cinema.

  4. Secretariat, nao sei bem do que estava a espera do filme, mas gostei bastante. 7,8657/10

    Essa pontuação foi alvo vaga. Dá demasiado aso a dúvidas.


    azureus256w.png ?

    Somewhere 5/10

  5. Telma Monteiro conquista ouro ao bater campeã mundial no World Masters

    A portuguesa Telma Monteiro ganhou neste sábado a medalha de ouro do World Masters em judo, categoria -57 quilos, ao bater na final a japonesa Kaori Matsumoto.

    A atleta do Benfica bateu a japonesa, líder do "ranking" mundial na categoria e actual campeã do mundo, numa prova disputada em Baku, Azerbaijão.

    Para chegar à final, Telma Monteiro, actual número dois do mundo, começou por afastar no primeiro combate Marti Malloy (EUA), seguindo-se Kifayat Gasimona (Azerbaijão) e Jan-Di Kim (Coreia do Sul).

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