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Opie and Anthony’s Traveling Virus was a touring comedy show that made the rounds in 2006 and 2007. It was a Lollapalooza-style festival, featuring scores of comedians.


During the first year, the Philadelphia crowd was… difficult (go figure), and there was a lot of drunken booing and heckling. Veteran Boston comic Bill Burr watched from backstage as his colleagues were heaped with abuse.


Pissed-off, Burr took his turn onstage and the crowd began giving him the same treatment. But he wasn’t having it, and launched into one of the most amazing diatribes ever recorded. For twelve minutes he unleashed his fury on the city of Philadelphia.





(aos 2:30 o vídeo começa a "mexer")




Post no reddit onde falam disto. Aparenmente Philadelphia é mesmo do piorio... :)

Edited by airjoca
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I was there.....and i dont care if this is a repost....which it is...that was a significant moment in comedic history. You need to keep in mind what was directly in front of Mr. Burr at that time. The SB Center (or E-Centre) in Camden is one of the largest amphitheatres in the US - with a capacity of 25K. This was a sold-out show. Imagine 25K people booing you, hammered drunk....all of which are from Killadelphia. He talked shit right to their faces, about them, about their city, and while they were drinking $15 beers at an event they bought $45 tickets to attend. Then....in the end....he won half of them over.

Fucking ballsy as hell if you ask me.

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