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Android 5.0 lollipop


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Já ando a receber actualizações de várias aplicações da Motorola a dizer que é para uma melhor performance no lollipop, deve estar quase aí a rebentar para o Moto G :)

Edited by Vasquinho da Anatomia
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Bem, agora parece que é a minha vez.


Estou a ter problemas com as mensagens, ontem um amigo disse-me que me tinha enviado uma SMS e não recebi nada. Também houve um atraso noutra SMS que me mandaram e que eu próprio mandei. Não sei se é problema da TMN ou do Hangouts mas vou experimentar o Messenger da Google a ver como se porta.


Mais alguém com o mesmo problema?

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Com o Hangouts o problema que tinha era ele não avisar das mensagens recebidas. Era raro acontecer mas às vezes diziam "Mandei-te mensagem" e eu pegava no telemóvel a dizer que não e quando abria o Hangouts lá estava o nome da pessoa em questão a negrito e a mensagem não lida <_<

Edited by dastinger
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  • 2 weeks later...

Algum de vocês está a ter problemas com o wifi no Lollipop? No meu Nexus 5, o wifi teima em se ligar sempre sozinho mesmo quando eu tenho as opções todas desligadas para evitar que isso aconteça.


Será que me está a escapar algo?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Novidade do Xposed.

Thanks guys. Actually, there is no need to worry about alternative approaches. It's not easy to "hack" ART in a similar way as Dalvik, but it's generally working.

What most people forget:


a) ART isn't the only new thing in Lollipop. SELinux requires a lot of extra code and even more thoughts to work around the restrictions. And 64 bit breaks the assumption that everything starts in a single process, as there are two Zygote processes now. I think it's important to consider this right from the start.


b ) The actual (net) time required to write code is far away from the time that passes. It's not like I work on Xposed every evening. There are weeks when I don't look at the code at all. Yes, I do have other things in my life, and some have a higher priority. So even if something would take just a few evenings to code, it might take me a couple of weeks to actually do it. And once I publish something, you probably wouldn't like it if I took off for a few weeks.


If it was just about coding, pushing the source could be helpful. But that works best if there's already a clear concept of what is needed and an idea how this can be split up into work packages. Often it takes hours to come up with a concept that can be coded in 20 lines. Remember how many people are using Xposed meanwhile. We don't want to have some quick code that works by accident, so it's vital to think everything through carefully, and that takes time.


So yeah. It will take more time, I still don't give any ETA, but I'm quite confident that we'll have something nice some day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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