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Justin Bieber Could Face 6 Months In Jail For Assaulting Photographer

Justin Bieber has always expressed a desire to keep his image squeaky clean, but his reputation is now tarnished because of a recent run-in with a photographer on Sunday afternoon. TMZ has just learned that the case will be referred to the Los Angeles County district attorney for possible prosecution.

It is typical for police to refer high-profile cases to prosecutors, and that’s exactly what happened with Bieber’s case. But the investigation is no where near complete. Police have requested to interview the teen pop star, but he is currently in Norway.

TMZ first covered the story, saying that Bieber is a suspect for criminal battery against a pap in Calabasas on Sunday. The photographer called 911, but the singer and his girlfriend, Selena Gomez, had already left the scene when they arrived.

The photographer was taken to a hospital and then filed a police report against Bieber.

If Bieber is charged and convicted, he could face up to six months in jail.

pena ser só 6 meses



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Médico gay submete-se a "cura" da homossexualidade na televisão

Christian Jessen vai submeter-se a várias e controversas terapias para curar a homossexualidade no âmbito de um documentário

Chama-se "Cure me, I’m Gay" e é um documentário que será transmitido no Channel 4, mas que já está a gerar polémica no Reino Unido. O apresentador Christian Jessen - um conhecido médico que apresenta "Embarrassing Bodies" na mesma estação televisiva - e que tem uma relação homossexual assumida e estável vai ser a "cobaia" do programa.

Em "Cure me, I’m Gay", Christian vai conversar com vários homossexuais que já recorreram a médicos em busca de uma cura e ainda com outros gays que afirmam ter sido curados milagrosamente, revela o "Huffington Post".

“Sempre fui alvo de comentários homofóbicos. Nunca escondi a minha sexualidade, mas eu sou um médico e não um médico gay”, disse Christian.

O programa vai ser emitido no final do ano


Posted (edited)

Justin Bieber Could Face 6 Months In Jail For Assaulting Photographer

Já que se fala no catraio, está agora a dar no Telejornal a notícia de que foi preso hoje de madrugada em Miami por conduzir embriagado, sob o efeito de drogas, com uma licença de condução não válida e oferecer resistência. No momento ia conduzir um Lamborghini amarelo, numa corrida ilegal.

Foi libertado sob fiança. -_-

A foto que a polícia disponibilizou:



Edited by Ana Picasso



Morre cão que ficou 9 anos junto da sepultura do dono

Depois de ter provas de uma longa e inabalável fidelidade, morreu o cão que, ao longo dos últimos nove anos, nunca se afastou da sepultura de seu dono num cemitério da localidade argentina de Rosário.

O animal morreu na passada quarta-feira, com os veterinários a diagnosticarem uma insuficiência renal grave, tendo sofrido uma crise na segunda-feira na sequência da qual foi transportado, apesar de resistir inicialmente, para uma clínica veterinária.

Os veterinários que procuraram tratá-lo explicaram aos jornais locais que o animal sofria de "desidratação profunda" e estava "muito enfraquecido". De nome Collie, apesar dos tratamentos, "teve convulsões e acabou por morrer com dignidade".

Collie, que resistiu sempre a todas as tentativas de o afastarem da sepultura e, mesmo quando adotado por alguns familiares do antigo dono, acabava por regressar ao cemitério, teria entre 12 e 14 anos e, desde há nove anos, que não se afastava do local, onde chegou pela primeira vez no dia de funeral. Nessa noite ficou junto da sepultura e daí nunca mais se afastou. Relatos indicam que foi a porta do cemitério o local mais afastado a que ia ao longo do dia durante todo este tempo.

O agravamento do seu estado poderia dever-se à onda de calor que atravessa atualmente a Argentina.

Diário de Notícias



Hairless hero: Iranian teacher shaves head in solidarity with bullied pupil

Ali Mohammadian's gesture, copied by his entire class of 23 pupils, stops bullying and attracts praise from all over country

When Iranian schoolteacher Ali Mohammadian noticed that one of his students was bullied after going bald as a result of a mysterious illness, he decided to show solidarity and shave his own hair. In no time, his entire class shaved their heads and the bullying stopped.

Now, Mohammadian who teaches at Sheikh Shaltoot's elementary school in Marivan, a Kurdish city in the west of Iran, has become a national hero. President Hassan Rouhani has praised him, the government has offered financial support for the pupil's medical treatment and his story has reached the four corners of his country.

"I'm so happy that this has touched many hearts and people reacted enormously positive," the 45-year-old teacher told the Guardian by phone from Marivan. "Everyone in the school now wants to shave their head."

Earlier this month, Mohammadian posted a picture of himself with eight-year-old Mahan Rahimi on Facebook. "Our heads are sensitive to hair," he wrote on the social network in support of his student. "Mahan had become isolated after going bald, smile had disappeared from his face and I was concerned about his class performance. That's why I thought about shaving my head to get him back on track," he said.

Mohammadian's Facebook post soon caught the eyes of hundreds of Iranian web users. "When I logged in to my Facebook the next day, I couldn't believe the number of people who had liked it and shared it," he said.

Iranian media, including national TV, interviewed him and Iran's education minister, Ali Asghar Fani, soon invited both to Tehran for a formal thank-you. The governor of the Kurdistan province, Abdolmohammad Zahedi, also conveyed the president's message to him.

In a matter of days, Mohammadian's 23 other students in the class were inspired by their teacher's action and insisted that they, too, wanted to shave their heads. "I told them to wait until the winter's cold weather was over but when we came back from Tehran, they had all shaved," he said. "This Saturday morning I stepped into the class and everyone had gone bald."

Doctors at the Razi hospital in Tehran told the state television that Mahan had problems in his immune system but they were investigating the exact nature of his disease. According to the teacher, medics in Tehran have also sent samples to Germany for a possible diagnosis. "Mahan's classmates have since become supportive of him and a smile is back on his face," said the teacher.

Mohammadian has 23 years of teaching experience and has two daughters and a son. "In places like Syria and Iraq or Sudan, children are being killed every day and in places like Pakistan and India child labour is widespread. I'm extremely worried about the horrific ordeals those children face on a daily basis."

The Guardian


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Nova campanha europeia da TAP promete voos de 41 a 140 euros

Por Fugas

Promoção abrange cerca de 40 destinos na Europa para reservas até 16 de Fevereiro. Há muitas propostas na casa dos 60 euros. Em simultâneo, há campanha para Marrocos, Cabo Verde e Estados Unidos.

De 41 euros por uma ligação Lisboa-Madrid a 140 para voar até Moscovo, a nova campanha multidestinos da TAP dá a volta ao continente europeu. A maioria refere-se a trajectos de ou para Lisboa mas também há uma dezena de voos de/para o Porto (e até um do Funchal para Londres).

Segundo informa a empresa em comunicado, os preços anunciados são por voo, "com todas as taxas incluídas", sendo que no caso dos destinos europeus, o preço mínimo é para ida; no caso dos destinos em África ou EUA para ida-e-volta.

Os destinos mais económicos encontram-se em Espanha – além de Madrid (que a partir do Porto custa 50 euros), voa-se para Barcelona por 43 euros (do Porto por menos um). Mas são de destacar propostas como Bruxelas a 45 euros tanto de Lisboa como do Porto; Milão que fica por 56 euros da capital e por menos um da Invicta, Amesterdão desde 58 euros (das duas cidades), Luxemburgo a 74 euros (de ambas as cidades) ou Copenhaga (73 euros).

Na casa dos 60 euros encontram-se vários destinos muito concorridos: França (Paris, Bordéus, Lyon); Espanha (Valência e Bilbao); Itália (Roma e Veneza, sendo que esta última tem o custo de 55 euros a partir do Porto); Alemanha (Berlim, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Munique e Hamburgo); Inglaterra (Londres – do Porto a oferta começa nos 73 euros e a partir do Funchal em 95); ou Suíça (Genebra custa 67 euros a partir do Porto;, enquanto de Lisboa custa 91; já Zurique fica por 90 e 91, respectivamente).

O mapa da promoção da TAP percorre outras cidades nestes países (entre os 90 e o s 100 euros) mas, a partir de Lisboa, vai mais longe. Por isso, esta pode ser uma boa altura para pensar num salto a Varsóvia (124 euros), Bucareste (127), Viena (101), Praga ou Budapeste (106); Estocolmo, Oslo ou Helsínquia (as três a 105 euros). Veja aqui a lista completa de voos.

Em paralelo, a campanha africana abrange Marrocos (Casablanca, Marraquexe, Tânger entre 175 e 183 euros mínimos) e Cabo Verde (Sal, Praia, Boa Vista, São Vicente - tudo desde 466 euros). Tanto neste caso como na campanha americana (Nova Iorque a 574 euros do Porto ou Lisboa e Miami a 565 euros), os preços referem-se a ida-e-volta.

A campanha (com "preços sujeitos a condições especiais e com lugares limitados") está em vigor para reservas até 16 de Fevereiro e incide sobre viagens a realizar de 17 de fevereiro a 30 de Novembro - há porém períodos fora de promoção, a Páscoa e o Verão (o que no caso significa que a campanha da TAP não é válida de 4 a 21 de Abril e de 1 de Julho a 14 de Setembro nos voos europeus, de 2 a 20 de Abril e de 15 de Junho a 31 de Agosto nos voos africanos, de 4 a 27 de Abril e de 15 de Junho a 31 de Agosto nos americanos).

Os preços mínimos anunciados referem-se a compras com cartão de débito no site da TAP (em compras com cartão de crédito são cobrados 4€). Em nota, a empresa sublinha ainda que o bilhete inclui o direito a "transporte grátis de um volume de bagagem de porão até 23kg" (excepção: dois volumes para Cabo Verde).


China sets new world record for solar installations
China installed more solar energy than any other country in the world in 2013
A giant solar panel outside of Chinese company Suntech in Wuxi, eastern China. China installed a record amount of solar energy in 2013. Photograph: Peter Parks/AFP/Getty Images

China installed a record 12GW of solar power in 2013, doubling its rate of solar installations, according to preliminary figures. This is more than has ever been installed by any country in a single year and means that China installed three times more solar energy in 2013 than the total UK solar capacity.

No country has ever added more than 8GW of solar power in one year before, according to an analysis by Li Shuo, a policy and energy analyst at Greenpeace East Asia. It is also more solar than China had installed in all the years prior to 2013 put together, according to Li.

The preliminary solar figures are estimated by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) which tracks energy figures globally. According to BNEF, this figure may even rise to 14GW due to a rush to install solar energy towards the end of 2013 due to a feed-in tariff for large photovoltaic projects coming to an end by January 1. A final figure is expected by March.

Other estimates have put the figure lower but these could also rise due to the end of year increase. The Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association (CREIA) put the figure at 10.7GW and Chinese media has quoted industry sources putting the figure at at least 9.5GW.

Li explained that a lot of figures are based on the first ten or eleven months of the year with a projection for December. "There was definitely a rush in the last two months of the year in ramping up solar installation capacity," he said because of the tariff ending by the end of the year "a lot of solar developers were in a hurry".

"The 2013 figures show the astonishing scale of the Chinese market, now the sleeping dragon has awoken" said Jenny Chase, head of solar analysis at BNEF in a press release.

"PV is becoming ever cheaper and simpler to install, and China's government has been as surprised as European governments by how quickly it can be deployed in response to incentives."

In total China added just over 100GW of new power generation capacity in 2013. According to figures from BNEF, this is larger than the entire electricity capacity of the UK or South Korea. Coal still remains China's main power source with 39.7GW coal-fired capacity installed last year. Hydro power saw the next largest increase last year with 30.5GW added while wind saw 14.1GW added.

Increasing its solar capacity is part of China's plan to increase the amount of renewable energy it uses as it attempts to move away from coal as its primary power source. Li said that while coal still accounts for the major of China's power, it is reducing as the country's overall energy appetite reduces.

The high levels of air pollution which plague many of China's cities is putting pressure on the government to reduce coal consumption and in some of the worst hit areas there is now a ban on new coal power plants.

An issue in China with renewable energy is in relation to connection to the grid. It is particularly a problem with wind energy and some wind farms in remote areas of the country remain unconnected. According to a spokesperson for Bloomberg, approximately 30% of the solar power installed in 2013 is still waiting connection. However they added that most solar developers are not worried and it is a matter of time before connection occurs and not a question of it it will occur.

Li said that the problem of connecting to the grid "is being resolved in quite a big way over the past two years. The government is offering a financial incentive for the grid to expand their network".

Most of China's solar installations are large-scale projects, the majority of which are based in the sunny western provinces of Gansu, Xinjiang and Qinghai. However, the Chinese government is planning a push for next year to increase the number of rooftop installations.

The Chinese government is targeting up to 14GW of additional solar capacity this year, 60% of which they are aiming to be from roop-top installations rather than large-scale projects. According to BNEF, this will bring "additional legal and financial complications for developers" and they predict that this target will not be met but that there will be higher growth in 2015.



Hairless hero: Iranian teacher shaves head in solidarity with bullied pupil


Um post sobre iranianos com um like do EsCk ???

Everything is a lie, my world is upside down...

So faltava um ':god:' do NOX e estaria convencido que entrei na matriz durante o sono.

:-.. j/k ofc.

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Posso ser racista em relação aos árabes, mas se me derem provas e demonstrações de boas ações como esta, a um nível generalizado, mudo de opinião.

Não sou fundamentalista, como as pessoas que condeno -_-

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Posso ser racista em relação aos árabes, mas se me derem provas e demonstrações de boas ações como esta, a um nível generalizado, mudo de opinião.

Não sou fundamentalista, como as pessoas que condeno -_-

Os Iranianos não são árabes. Nem sequer têm a mesma religião que os árabes.

É mesma coisa que dizeres que os Portugueses são Russos.


Farsis? Persas?

De qualquer das formas, acho que a relação é legitima e não se equipara às diferenças entre russos e portugueses.

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