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Fan made.


Also this teaser marks a new era for independant film making as the whole sequence was entirely rendered in realtime using the not yet released CryEngine Cinebox.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Mais um "scam" no Kickstarter (aparentemente - e digo aparentemente porque nada está provado [ainda]).


Areal (sequela espiritual do STALKER)


Eu vi isto há uns tempos e cheirou-me logo a bullshit. Bastava ir aos comments lol


Entretanto estava a ler este artigo: The Strange Story Of Areal, One Of Kickstarter's Weirdest New Games (só rir) e segundos depois é suspensa a conta do kickstarter...

Enfim... Olho aberto!











Btw, entretanto também foi cancelado um jogo (Yogventures) que em 2012 tinha sido funded no Kickstarter com mais de meio milhão de USD lol... No refunds...


How A Successful Kickstarter Lost Half A Million Dollars

Edited by Mini0n

Lol, e foram esses gajos (Yogcast) dizer que as produtoras de jogos deviam pagar aos Youtubers pelo aumento de número de vendas depois dos vídeos deles.



Posted (edited)

Das duas uma.


Ou o Kickstarter começa a responsabilizar o pessoal, ou os "donators" eventualmente aprendem e deixam de apoiar projectos devido à falta de credibilidade\garantias do KS.

E quem diz KS diz early access tb.



Já contei ao minion no outro dia uma historia sobre um jogo que tb saiu de Kickstarter, "The Stomping Land", cujos devs 2 semanas após lançarem o jogo no Steam Early Access (e foi top seller) simplesmente despareceram com o guito.


NO REFUNDS GG buy at your own risk



infelizmente sofrem os santos pelos pecadores porque o pessoal depois de ser queimado 1 xs aprende e simplesmente deixar de comrpar early access.

Edited by Lancer
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  • 1 month later...


This footage is a real-time technical demo of our new rendering engine "Mizuchi".
"Mizuchi" is still under development, but scheduled to be released soon.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Bethesda to hold its first E3 conference


Are you excited for E3? I'm practically hyperventilating at the thought of hastily typing up the jargon-filled musings of awkward executives. Ugh. But my own personal hell shouldn't detract from what should be an exciting week of announcements and impressions—and what now looks like a some potentially big reveals from Bethesda.


For the first time the publisher will join the likes of EA and Ubisoft, and hold their own E3 conference on 14 June.


Looking at Bethesda's confirmed upcoming releases, they've got... er... Doom 4 and the free-to-play shooter BattleCry. Not much for a conference, that, so expect some new announcements at the conference. Dishonored 2? Fallout 4? The Elder Scrolls VI? Skyrim 2? Wolfenstein: The New Fallout? Rage 2? Fallout: Skyrim?


Er, lost my train of thought. Oh yeah, what do you want from Bethesda's conference? We can find out together when E3 begins.


Fallout 4, vá lá, vá lá!!

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