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Age Of Conan(H.a) : Free Unlimited Trial

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Posted (edited)

Play Age of Conan For Free – Forever

Funcom is delighted to announce a unique holiday offer for its massively multiplayer online game `Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures'. Anyone who downloads, registers, and starts playing the trial before January 1st 2010 will be able to enjoy all of level one to twenty – the entire Island of Tortage experience – without ever having to upgrade to a full account or pay a subscription fee. This unique Unlimited Free Trial campaign is only available until January 1st as a special holiday offer to anyone who wishes to experience the sexy and savage world of Conan.

"Our original seven day trial has been very successful so far," says Morten Larssen, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Funcom. "But with the holiday season coming up this is the perfect time to shake up our trial offer a bit and try out something new. So everyone who downloads the trial before January 1st will be able to play the first part of the game for free, forever. We are confident that many of those taking advantage of this offer will choose to become permanent players, allowing them to experience all of what the game has to offer including all the additions and improvements introduced since launch."

Celebrate the holiday season by downloading the trial today, and experience `Age of Conan' in all its savage, sexy and brutal glory. Go to http://www.ageofconan.com/trial to download the client and start your barbaric adventures today. Players can level up as many characters as they want before choosing to move on and explore the rest of the game. Players will be able to enjoy all of what Tortage Island has to offer, complete with player vs. environment and player vs. player gameplay. Users must take advantage of this offer before January 1st, and will need to log in to the game for the offer to take effect.

Launching in May last year `Age of Conan' quickly became a smash hit in retail, shipping over 1.2 million copies around the world. In North America, the most prominent online gaming market in the west, `Age of Conan' became the third best-selling PC title of the year in 2008. In the weeks after launch `Age of Conan' simultaneously topped the charts in 17 countries, and the game received critical acclaim from gaming press across the globe. `Age of Conan' is now available in English, French, German, Spanish, Russian and Polish localized versions, and is being prepared for launch in Korea as well.


Edited by kito_pm

Este e o WAR foram dos maiores fails da historia dos MMO. Falta pouco para o Aion se juntar também ao grupo lol

Com milhoes de copias vendidas e uma media de mais de 80% pela critica...acho que vou experimentar antes de julgar///

Posted (edited)

Este e o WAR foram dos maiores fails da historia dos MMO. Falta pouco para o Aion se juntar também ao grupo lol

Com milhoes de copias vendidas e uma media de mais de 80% pela critica...acho que vou experimentar antes de julgar///

Eu só digo que foi um fail pk o jogo está morto.

Edited by sithlord
Players can level up as many characters as they want before choosing to move on and explore the rest of the game. Players will be able to enjoy all of what Tortage Island has to offer, complete with player vs. environment and player vs. player gameplay

Hum...nao sei...

Posted (edited)

"Level as many characters as you want" não invalida teres limite de nível em cada um. Btw, tens um limite até ao nível 20 que já n é mau. ;)

Tem também o limite do mapa a explorar como habitual, só vais ter uma zona que vai até esse nível, 20.


: you can not trade with others, use in-game mail, public chat channels and you can not post on the forums.

Não é mau mas perdes o melhor de um MMORPG que é o factor social. Experimenta e depois diz coisas, nunca experimentei, mas tem em mente que a experiência que vais ter não será completa.

Edited by Kinas_
  • 3 weeks later...

Este e o WAR foram dos maiores fails da historia dos MMO. Falta pouco para o Aion se juntar também ao grupo lol

comcordo infelizmente.

O problema destes MMO's é que tem pouco end-game e assim não agaram clientes pois o ppl atinge o level cap e depois não tem que fazer.


Este nem cheguei a lvl 20, no warhammer ainda cheguei ao lvl cap (40) e ainda fiz alguma capturas épicas de castelos, mas fora isso, muito fraquinho.


Eu joguei um mês do jogo. cheguei a lvl40 e pude experimentar a 1ª instance "a sério" que na altura se dizia ser a melhor desenhada dentro do jogo. Apesar do cenário não ser mau de todo, os bosses não tinham qualquer interesse...era tudo ao molho e bater/curar até ele morrer. Não havia táctica. Nesse aspecto o jogo era fraco. Dou o desconto de na altura ter jogado mesmo quando o jogo foi lançado portanto, havia muito a melhorar ainda.

Uma coisa que gostei muito, foi o sistema de combate. O boneco apenas fazia o que se manda fazer, não existe o chamado "white damage" e o dano que se dava dependia dos combos aplicados que variavam consoante a defesa do mob. Bastante engraçado nesse aspecto!

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