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Faleceu Eddie Fatu


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On December 4, 2009, Fatu was hospitalized after his wife found him not breathing with blood coming out of his nose. He was rushed to a local hospital in Houston, Texas and was admitted into the Intensive Care Unit.[52] It was reported that Fatu had suffered a heart attack and was put on life support, until the decision was made to take him off of it. Fatu was presumed dead around 6:00 PM EST, after suffering a second heart attack; he was 36 years old.

@ Wikipédia

Apanhei esta notícia do nada :eek:


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Umaga passes

WWE would like to express its deepest condolences to Mr. Fatu’s family, friends and fans on his tragic passing. Mr. Fatu was under contract with WWE at various time periods and most recently performed under the name "Umaga." Mr. Fatu's contract was terminated on June 11, 2009.

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  • 2 months later...
Revelada a causa da morte de Umaga

Cerca de três meses depois da data de falecimento, é agora conhecida a real causa de morte do wrestler Eddie Fatu (Umaga), sendo que a versão oficial é ataque cardíaco.

No entanto, depois de efectuados os testes usuais foi possivel descobrir a causa do ataque cardíaco, que se ficou, portanto, a dever a uma mistura fatal de analgésicos (hydroconode), relaxantes musculares (carisoprodol) e medicamentos de controlo da ansiedade (diazepam).

Recorde-se que o historial de Umaga no recurso a drogas era conhecido e foi mesmo a causa da sua saída da WWE, seis meses antes de morrer, quando falhou um teste da Welness Policy e se recusou a fazer reabilitação.

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