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Novo Update De Ixtreme Possivel!


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Pois é...

Com a saída do MLB 2K9, verificou-se que o jogo em causa tem uma nova protecção incluida, o que fará com que o mesmo não corra no novo firmware ixtreme 1.5.

Isto deve-se ao facto de que os jogos quando correm, enviam à consola duas "waves" de dados e o firmware apenas os deixa correr se tudo estiver ok, ao nivel desta parte mais básica da segurança. Isto serve para previnir bans devido a cópias mal efectuadas no que refere a estas protecções.

Ora o MLB 2K9 saíu com 3 "waves" de dados, mais uma do que o habitual e por isso o firmware detecta que algo está mal e como tal não corre o jogo.

O que é que isto quer dizer?

Se este sistema se tornar padrão, os próximos jogos incluam esta 3ª wave, não irão carregar. Logo, o surgimento de um novo firmware e ferramentas de ripping adequadas é algo tido como muito provavel...

As boas notícias é que o c4eva (responsável principal pelo firmware ixtreme) diz que este é um problema de fácil resolução.

Leiam mais na nfo do jogo:

Hey there you're thinking great MLB 2K9


not that great..

hate to be the grp to bring you bad news but this info needs to be rls'ed to the scene 

people need to know there is gonna be probs with new games.

I've included all the info we have found and also forwarded the 

info and the rls to the stealth and fw teams.


We have security features in the modded fw we use.

these features make sure that the PFI and Video are from Wave 1 or Wave 2

this was done to insure games not burnt right or with the data missing 

wouldn't boot and lead to bannings.

When we used the program we all use to check our games we noticed that 

MLB 2K9 Had a new pfi and Video A so called 3rd wave.

Here is the 3rd video wave from below


PFI does not match known data (could be corrupt or a new wave not seen before)

Displaying suspicious PFI in hex and ascii:

	OFFSET   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F

	0x0000  01 02 31 10 00 03 00 00 00 FC FF DF 00 03 97 5F	1 . ...n ¯.  _

	0x0010  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................


now for those of you that don't know what that means


The only way we could get the game too boot was by rolling back our mod to 1.41 non stealth on a benq





Not too much can be done about this untill we see another new game to see if this is the new way or what

there is question if they fucked up and its just mlb 2k9 like this..

no one knows

no one can know untill another new game surfaces.

We've sectioned off the area in question with special lines in the saved output below.




This Release is pre'd As-Is


I pred this cause i know the fw team will be getting a new mod and then ppl will want it.

I have notified teamstealth about this before preing and it it's per their request

We need this info out.


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//\//\//\//\ (_||_)(_|/ / _||_ | | //\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//



Checking for updates to GameNameLookup.csv and abgx360.dat...

Server file no newer than local file 'GameNameLookup.csv' -- not retrieving

Server file no newer than local file 'abgx360.dat' -- not retrieving

J:xbox360 isosmlb2k9mlb2k9.dvd is valid

Checking Game

	ISO: "J:xbox360 isosmlb2k9mlb2k9.iso"

	Size: 7838695424 bytes (larger than normal)

	Game partition offset: 0xFD90000

	Root sector: 5961 (0x10934800), 2048 bytes

	default.xex sector: 10302 (0x111AF000), 35786752 bytes

	Files in ISO: 8, Folders in ISO: 1

	Total bytes used: 7094368308 (97.09%)

	ISO appears to have random padding

	Allowed Media Types: DVD-XGD2 (Xbox 360 original disc)

	XEX Media ID: 5EA51F481FD66B7597B684EE-52D01B1E

	XEX CRC = 6F1E21F7

Region Code: 0x0000FDFF

	NTSC/J (Excludes China)


Checking SS

	04FB20h ------- PSN ------> 20339Fh DFCC60h ------- PSN ------> FB04DFh


	¦  L0 Data Area = 1783936 sectors  ¦  L1 Data Area = 1783936 sectors  ¦


	0x000FD90000 --------> 0x00E99CFFFF 0x00E99D0000 --------> 0x01C360FFFF

	<----------------- 3567872 sectors (7307001856 bytes) ---------------->

	Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/02/09 00:00:00

	Timestamp of Mastering: 2009/02/12 15:26:18


	CT RT CID Mod? Pad? Data		  CD	   Response Angle Deviation

	-- -- --  --   --   ------------- -------- -------- ----- ------------

	14	35  00   00				 7ED18B91 C9B219D0

	   03 35  00   00   04A9B0 04B9AF 7ED18B91 C9B219D0

	15	E0  00   00				 CE870016 48CBC58F

	   01 E0  00   00   20D7F0 20E7EF CE870016 48CBC58F

	14	0B  00   00				 F029CC04 343BFEBC

	   03 0B  00   00   DF85F0 DF95EF F029CC04 343BFEBC

	15	75  00   00				 942AB68B F6A3B78A

	   01 75  00   00   FB5B70 FB6B6F 942AB68B F6A3B78A

	24	F1  0F   00				 0E93C75F 0E930001 1

	   07 F1  00   00   04A9B0 04B72F 0E93C75F 00000000 0	 -1   (00.6%)

	25	33  0F   00				 8357D172 8357005B 91

	   05 33  00   00   20D7F0 20E56F 8357D172 5A000000 90	-1   (00.6%)

	24	67  0F   00				 7422AC99 742200B5 181

	   07 67  00   00   DF85F0 DF936F 7422AC99 B3000000 179   -2   (01.1%)

	25	9C  0F   00				 7761C8ED 7761010F 271

	   05 9C  00   00   FB5B70 FB68EF 7761C8ED 0F010000 271	0   (00.0%)

	01	A6  00   00				 9A59AABC 0D73F2FC

	   00 A6  00   00   C50D73 59F2FC 00000000 00000000

	E0	69  00   00				 A25A4BF5 37A44ABC

	   E0 69  00   00   0337A4 B54ABC 00000000 00000000



	SS CRC = 375A07DF (RawSS = CD473E79)

	SS Media ID: 5EA51F481FD66B7597B684EE-52D01B1E (matches game)

SS looks valid

Checking DMI

	Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/02/09 00:00:00 (matches SS)

	DMI CRC = 44650B99

	DMI Media ID: 5EA51F481FD66B7597B684EE-52D01B1E (matches game)

DMI looks valid






Checking PFI

	030000h ------- PSN ------> 03975Fh FC68A0h ------- PSN ------> FCFFDFh


	¦  L0 Data Area = 0038752 sectors  ¦  L1 Data Area = 0038720 sectors  ¦


	0x0000000000 --------> 0x0004BAFFFF 0x01CE7F0000 --------> 0x01D338FFFF

	<----------------- 0077472 sectors (0158662656 bytes) ---------------->


PFI does not match known data (could be corrupt or a new wave not seen before)

Displaying suspicious PFI in hex and ascii:

	OFFSET   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F

	0x0000  01 02 31 10 00 03 00 00 00 FC FF DF 00 03 97 5F	1 . ...n ¯.  _

	0x0010  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................


Video partition found

	Volume ID: "CD_ROM"

	Volume space size: 38690 sectors (79237120 bytes)

Video volume space size and size of PFI data area do not match!

	Volume creation date & time: 2009/01/14 16:00:00 (GMT-08:00)

Cannot check padding due to invalid or uncertain PFI/Video

	Video CRC = 28570223 (V0 & V1 skipped due to non-matching or absent PFI)

Video partition does not match known data but neither did PFI

Stealth status is uncertain






Verifying this game against the online database...

One or more CRC requirements for Verification were not met, cannot continue

Verification failed

Starting AutoFix

	Attempting to get 'Xex_6F1E21F7.ini' from the online verified database

Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex

Attempting to fix PFI based on SS

Unwilling to automatically fix PFI because SS is newer than the last known 2nd wave date

AutoFix Failed, Stealth is still uncertain

Press any key to exit . . .



Shouts to Novo and the rest of the WMV groups keeping the WMV Scene rocking.

Currently looking for 100Mbit+ Affils and 10Mbit+ Private Legit Dumps

Also seeking intelligent suppliers of Pre-Retail PAL / USA / ASIA Xbox360 games.

[email protected]

Edited by HERiTAGE
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Tenho impressão que a tactica deles pode mudar para isso...

De modificar as Waves de maneira a que seja preciso um update ao firmware crackado.

Dessa forma as pessoas precisam de a estar sempre a levar ao medico, o que as acaba pro fazer desistir disso.

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Tenho impressão que a tactica deles pode mudar para isso...

De modificar as Waves de maneira a que seja preciso um update ao firmware crackado.

Dessa forma as pessoas precisam de a estar sempre a levar ao medico, o que as acaba pro fazer desistir disso.

Vá lá que no meu caso o médico sou eu e se isso se confirmar não há grande problema. Em 10 minutos faz-se isso. Agora para quem não faz isso compreendo que deva ser chato.

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Mais info:

[17:48:28] <+c4eva> new video partition support in ix1.6 , coming soon!

[01:32:30] <+c4eva> topo:i did smile.gif

[01:33:11] <+c4eva> hello

[01:36:29] <+c4eva> finishing hitachi 1.5 this week, then 1.6 for all drives!

[01:37:52] <+c4eva> 1.6 will have 0800 dumping for all drives including hitachi along with new video partition support!

[01:38:35] <+c4eva> 0800 is in windows mode only

[05:17:14] <+c4eva> originals should be unaffected by the new video wave 3 on ixtreme fw

[05:18:30] <onge> c4eva: is it hard to fix this problem?

[05:18:40] <+c4eva> no

<@KarateBob> new games are coming out with the nxe update on the disc

<@KarateBob> and the only place microsoft could put it was in the video partition

<@KarateBob> now, old firmwares and games didnt always have a video partition, so when ixtreme was made, they got it to check the video partition

<@KarateBob> and if its crc didnt match wave 1 or wave 2, then the game wouldnt boot

<@KarateBob> now, this is wave 3, so ixtreme wont boot new games

<@KarateBob> if you need to boot the game, then wait for 1.6, or use a non-stealth firmware.

<@KarateBob> such as Benq_iXtreme_1.41_Rev_2_Non-Stealth_Multispeed.rar, C4EVA_XTRM-HITACHI_v2_4_Stealth.rar (im not sure if that works on 78/79) or xtreme53.rar in the xbins directory: /XBOX 360/firmware/hacked firmware/Toshiba-Samsung TS-H943/_old/

<@KarateBob> Sorry, there is no non-stealth firmware for Lite-On

Portanto está confirmado que vem aí um novo fw.

Edited by HERiTAGE
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Ainda assim vamos fazer fé que ainda vai sair muita coisa que não precisa dessas actualizações de firmware.

Por exemplo o Resident Evil 5 não traz desse tipo de 'presentes'.

Pelos tempos mais próximos só espero mesmo que o jogo da UFC saia pronto para o 1.4, de resto não me preocupa nada ainda. :)

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