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  • 1 month later...

YES CHANTS entram na realidade política

O fenómeno do "YES Chant" já chegou à realidade política, personificada por Lee Vogler que tenciona ser o membro mais novo de sempre a pertencer ao conselho de Danville.

  • 2 weeks later...

Amigos relembram o aniversário da morte de Owen Hart

O dia de hoje marca o 13º aniversário da morte de Owen Hart, que faleceu depois de uma queda acidental durante a sua entrada no PPV "Over The Edge" em 1999.

Vários familiares e amigos não deixaram de assinalar a data no Twitter. Aqui ficam alguns relatos:

Smith Hart: "They say time heals all wounds, yet this sad anniversary of your passing hurts today as much as it did 13 years ago. Owen I know your up their w/ Mom, Dad, Dean, Matthew & others. You know how much we all love & miss you. We are not complete without you"

Chris Jericho: "Take a moment to remember a great guy and one of the best wrestlers to ever walk the Earth..."

David Hart Smith: "Owen Hart your very well missed on this anniversary. Thanks for all the great memories!"

Natalya: "13 years ago today we lost Owen... But we have never forgotten what an amazing human being he was."

Tyson Kidd: "Owen Hart will never be forgotten. Way too many great moments and funny memories."

Tatanka: "@BretHart Strength to u Hitman, yes Owen was an awesome brother & the blessing is everyone loved him & spoke highly of him."

Scotty Riggs: "Honor & respect Owen Hart, a gift to the sport of wrestling ... To @BretHart & family, be blessed today knowing Owen is never forgotten!!"

Bret Hart: "A most solemn day. It's so hard not to feel the blood thicken in my heart at the memory of Owen's passing today."

We miss u OWEN!


Eu lembro-me de pesquisar a fundo sobre isto... não há mesmo nenhum vídeo com a queda, pois não?

  • 2 months later...
WWE Classics On Demand, WWE’s subscription video on demand television service, is currently airing the April 21, 1998 episode of ECW Hardcore TV, which features a profanity-laced “shoot” promo by Taz. The rotisseried grappler mentions ‘Chris Benoit’ twice during his spiel, which both times is censored with a bleep sound.
  • 5 months later...

WWE announcer started as admiring Buffalo Grove fan

During the last WrestleMania, WWE announcer Justin Roberts looked out at the arena filled with about 80,000 cheering fans, then over at world champion wrestler CM Punk.

Roberts, who grew up in Buffalo Grove, first met CM Punk, who was born in Lockport, when he was 17. They were both starting out in their respective careers, working at small wrestling events around the suburbs, including matches at the Hemmens Cultural Center in Elgin.

Now, here they were, at the top of their games.

"We didn't say anything, but we looked at each other and thought, 'Wow, we've come a long way from Chicago,'" Roberts said.

For Roberts, the journey has been the fulfillment of a lifelong dream to be a WWE announcer.

"I got my dream job," Roberts said. "It sounded impossible, but I got it. That's why I tell people today, if you want something, go for it. No matter how impossible it may seem, anything and everything is possible if you follow your dreams."

Today, Roberts, 33, hosts the WWE's "Monday Night RAW" on the USA Network, and monthly WWE pay-per-view specials such as "Royal Rumble" and "WrestleMania." On April 7, he'll announce "WrestleMania 29" on pay-per-view.

Roberts, who now lives in Scottsdale, Ariz., also is an entrepreneur. After a shoulder injury, he designed a powerful massager he could take on the road with him, called Hands To Go. The wrestlers use it too, he said.

But wrestling is, and always has been, his main focus.

Growing up in the suburbs, Roberts was mesmerized by wrestling on TV, including "Saturday Night's Main Event." He used to imitate wrestling announcer Howard "The Fink" Finkel, and remembers, as a kid, how he'd "run around with a microphone, announcing things."

Roberts' parents took him to some wrestling matches, and at age 11 he got to meet wrestlers The Ultimate Warrior and Kerry Von Erich.

"They were larger than life," Roberts said. "I was hooked."

Not seeing himself as a wrestler, Roberts fixated on becoming a professional wrestling announcer. His first gig was when he was a teen, voicing a wrestling telephone hotline. The hotline contained a recorded message with the latest wrestling news, and Roberts presented himself as a character called Enzo Reed — a name he's still sometimes called today.

When a relatively large wrestling show came to Waukegan in 1996, Roberts found a way to meet the guy who was hiring the show's "enhancement talent." Roberts persuaded the man to let him announce just one match.

"I was on top of the world. It didn't matter that it was only 100 people. I was in a wrestling ring, and it was awesome," he said. "I got my foot in the door as Enzo."

Roberts was brought back again and again, and started doing bigger events. When Roberts left for college at the University of Arizona, he continued working and networking out there. But all along, he had his sights set on the WWE.

In 1999, Roberts made a tape of his work by hooking two camcorders together, and sent it to the WWE every three months for three straight years.

"There's a line between pain in the (butt) and persistence," he said, laughing. "I just wanted this more than anything. I started from scratch. I made my own connections."

Whenever the WWE came to town, Roberts showed up and tried talking to WWE employees, hoping to catch a break or make a connection. In 2002, he saw the man he'd been sending tapes to, approached him, and pitched himself as an announcer. The executive told him, "Maybe we'll get you on sometime."

The next day, Roberts got a voice-mail message inviting him to do an on-air tryout.

His career at WWE took off after that. Roberts now works with the wrestlers he idolizes, mingles with celebrities, parties at the Playboy Mansion and travels the world with WWE — racking up 200,000 frequent flier miles per year. Roberts says he appreciates every moment of it.

"It's awesome going out there and watching people light up from the show they're seeing. These superstars are so talented. They're incredible athletes. They're working year-round, and they wear no helmets or shoulder pads. These guys are real-life superheroes," he said. "The ultimate best part about the job ... is seeing the difference that these superheroes make in these people's lives."

Some of Justin Roberts' most memorable WWE moments

Ÿ WrestleMania. Justin Roberts said every time he's announced at "the Super Bowl of the wrestling world," it's been a career high point. "You stand there and look around and think, 'There are 78,000 people here, and I'm in the center of the ring,'" he said. "Then you announce The Undertaker and Triple H. These are guys who I grew up watching, and now I'm announcing their match at WrestleMania. To be in the ring to announce The Rock vs. John Cena — are you kidding me? Huge."

Ÿ Meeting celebrities. The celebrity guests on "Monday Night RAW," which Roberts hosts, have ranged from Napoleon Dynamite (actor Jon Heder) to Ozzy Osbourne. When Pee-wee Herman was a guest, Roberts showed a childhood photo of himself wearing Pee-wee pajamas. After "Saturday Night Live" alum Jon Lovitz's guest spot, he hung out in the dressing room with Roberts and chatted about wrestling and "SNL" for more than an hour. Roberts has also gotten to know musicians such as ZZ Top, Snoop Dogg and LMFAO.

Ÿ A police escort to a show in France. While on a European tour in 2010, all flights were grounded because of smoke from an Iceland volcano. Yet Roberts and company had a sold-out show in France to get to. So Roberts, the wrestlers and the referees piled into a few minivans. At one point, a police escort met them, and they drove straight to the arena, got out of the car and started the show.

Follow Justin Roberts on Twitter at @JustinRoberts.


  • 3 months later...

Causa da morte de Reid Flair

O filho do WWE Hall of Fammer Ric Flair, Reid, que foi encontrado sem vida no seu quarto de hotel no passado dia 29 de Março pelo seu pai, teve agora a causa da sua morte revelada. Segundo o site TMZ, a autópsia ao corpo do Reid revelou que a sua morte foi derivada de uma overdose acidental de drogas, em que se incluíram Heroína. Outro tipo de drogas, legais, também foram encontradas no seu corpo, em que incluíram Xanax e Clonazepam.

Reid Flair entra assim no lote de wrestlers que faleceram devido a overdoses de drogas. Reid Flair tinha apenas 25 anos.

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Posted Image

Faleceu hoje (28/06/2013) aos 55 anos – faria 56 no próximo mês – , Matt Osborne, o primeiro lutador a interpretar a personagem de Doink The Clown, na década de 90, durante a sua passagem na WWF. Matt foi encontrado morto pela sua namorada na casa desta, no Texas.

Ainda não existem detalhes em relação à morte de Osborne, esperando-se novidades para breve.

  • 5 weeks later...

LOOOOL ganda bica que o gajo lhe mandou :funny:

Also, após estes anos todos, vi uma match. A handicap tag team que o Cena e o Orton fizeram. Nice. :D

  • 3 weeks later...

- Em entrevista ao site TMZ, Darren Young assumiu a sua homesexualidade, sendo assim a primeira Superstar da WWE a "sair do armário".

Questionado se era de facto gay e se teria sucesso na sua carreira: 'Absolutely. Look at me. I'm a WWE Superstar and to be honest with you, I'll tell you right now, I'm gay. And I'm happy. I'm very happy.'

Referindo ainda se podia fazer a diferença: 'I hope so. I'm hoping to be able to make a difference. It's very important to me that people understand that somebody's sexual preference shouldn't really matter. It should be about the person.'

John Cena foi a primeira Superstar a reagir ao anúncio de Darren Young: "Oh wonderful, I know Darren personally. Darren's a great guy. That's a very bold move for him. And congratulations for him for actually finally doing it."

John Cena é o Nº1 do PWI pela terceira vez!

John Cena chegou ao topo da lista anual do PWI 500 pela terceira vez na sua carreira. A revista cita as suas vitórias no Royal Rumble, contra The Rock (Wrestlemania 29), contra Mark Henry (Money in the Bank) e contra CM Punk (Raw) como seus feitos principais. John Cena é o primeiro lutador a ser número 1 da lista do PWI por três vezes, ultrapassando assim Bret “The Hitman” Hart, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin e Triple H, que conseguiram tal feito duas vezes. De seguida está a capa da revista em questão que tem John Cena em destaque.

Tellos0 gonna hate.


Ele não foi o primeiro lol. Pat Patterson.

Mas bom para ele, não tarda muito e vai haver storyline a volta disso.

E o Pat Robertson assumiu-se enquanto estava no activo?

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