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Battlefield Heroes


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é uma vergonha, smpr a premiar os mesmos, mas pelo menos começam a admitir k os gunners estão exageradamente fortes em relação às outras classes.

Cada vez + acredito que sou um super jogador, qd consigo liderar tabelas de equipas carregadas de gunners e/ou comandos.

Qd os gunners andam todos juntos em grupos de 3 ou 4 é ver 1 a activar escudo para todos, o outro velocidade, etc, etc e dp vão rodando.

Ninguém os pára.

falaste como um verdadeiro comando. aka puuuusssy :lol:

adiciona-me la para dar-mos uns tirinhos

agora vou jogar com o national

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é uma vergonha, smpr a premiar os mesmos, mas pelo menos começam a admitir k os gunners estão exageradamente fortes em relação às outras classes.

Cada vez + acredito que sou um super jogador, qd consigo liderar tabelas de equipas carregadas de gunners e/ou comandos.

Qd os gunners andam todos juntos em grupos de 3 ou 4 é ver 1 a activar escudo para todos, o outro velocidade, etc, etc e dp vão rodando.

Ninguém os pára.

falaste como um verdadeiro comando. aka puuuusssy :lol:

x2 :D

Edited by Batunaz
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  • 1 month later...
Battlefield Heroes Is Practically Ruined

As a regular player of the game, I've had some kind things to say about Battlefield Heroes. As an online game, however, things can change at the drop of a hat. And EA just dropped the hat.

The game's economy, which had always walked the tight-rope between allowing people to play for free/very little and encouraging people to spend money, has this week been turned on its head. And the game's rather sizeable player base is upset.

See, many items in the game used to be available in one of two ways: valor points (VP), which you earned in combat and through playtime, and BattleFunds (BF), which were earned by spending real cash. Sure, some superficial things like outfits were BattleFunds-only, but all the important stuff - like better weapons - could be earned solely through consistent play.

Not anymore. EA have made sweeping changes to the game's online store, drastically raising the cost of almost everything bought via VP and lowering the price of almost everything bought via BF. "Rentals" have also been altered, so that important items can only be leased for 1-3 days, not for entire months as was previously possible.

This means that, according to some user calculations posted over on Ars Technica, "the amount of rounds you need to play each day to keep ONE weapon [is] about 60, which is about 5 hours playtime, every day". Obviously, that's not going to happen.

Which means the game, which by all accounts had been doing just fine allowing people to play for free then charging for the odd outfit or upgrade (example: I'd spent around $20 on it so far), is now for all intents and purposes subscriber-based, with those electing to play the game for free - which was one of the main "selling" points of Heroes in the first place - locked on the outer and stuck with the game's crummy standard weapons.

Makes you wonder, if EA felt the need to start squeezing players for microtransactions so drastically and so suddenly, whether the game was actually doing as great as we'd been led to believe...

Má onda... :no:

Chulos do cócó!

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so tornaram as cenas mais faceis para mim,.. nao compro nada,.. nao uso bandages.

passo a vida a queimar comandos,.. que agora nao usam os bandages,.. e os gunners tb nao ficam em bom estado.

agora quem gasta,... as novas armas sao brutais e tiram mais vida.

so tenho pena da hand granade que tira 100 de vida se acertar em cheio,.. tive de colocar 1ponto de ability no grenade spam para ter qq coisa para atirar.

ainda agora estive a dar uns tiros,... national soldier lvl 21 :-..

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entao e quem é que recebeu os codigos de natal?

eu para variar,,... N-A-D-A ,... nem um barete.

mas quem recebeu os anteriores,... PIMBA,... mais um mail com redeem codes.

o que vale é que quem nao joga,.. da-me os codigos a mim.

mais tarde ja vou experimentar,.. espero que nao seja como no halloween que so durava 3 dias.

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entao e quem é que recebeu os codigos de natal?

eu para variar,,... N-A-D-A ,... nem um barete.

mas quem recebeu os anteriores,... PIMBA,... mais um mail com redeem codes.

o que vale é que quem nao joga,.. da-me os codigos a mim.

mais tarde ja vou experimentar,.. espero que nao seja como no halloween que so durava 3 dias.

recebi um email dos gajos ontem....tem lá alguns codes....manda teu email que eu reenvio-te

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A EA disponibiliza mais um mapa para o Battlefield gratuito.

Battlefield Heroes acaba de receber mais um mapa. O dito chama-se Sunset Showdown e leva-nos até uma ilha ao pôr-do-sol.

A ideia é capturar e controlar a igreja no cimo da colina, usando para isso uma variedade de veículos.

Para além do extra, a EA anunciou que mais de 50 mil novos jogadores se registam semanalmente. E os números não se ficam por aqui. Segundo a editora, o tempo de jogo até à data totaliza algo como 1.300 anos e as mortes ascendem aos 300 milhões.

Sem mais para já, fiquem com alguns ecrãs de Sunset Showdown.

Fonte: Gameover





Já andava afastado do jogo e desde que foi apresentada a nova política de vendas das armas, ainda com menos interesse fiquei, mas provavelmente vou mandar uns tiros um dia destes só para ver esta nova adição.

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  • 5 years later...

6 anos depois... fecha a porta! FOi bom no primeiro ano mas depois os cheaters e as decisões "pay-tp-win" por parte da EA rebentaram com o jogo... 







Dear Heroes,

The war is over! You have fought long and hard but the time for peace awaits us. The Nationals and Royals have finally been able to put the past behind and call a truce. With peace comes an end to a great story, and thus it is with a heavy heart that we must inform you, that on Tuesday July 14th 2015 we will be closing Battlefield Heroes for good and stopping the service in its entirety.

This is not an easy choice, but we believe the time is right to retire this veteran game. We would like to thank everyone who has supported us throughout the years. It’s been a pleasure for us to have entertained you for this long, and we hope you had as much fun playing Battlefield Heroes as we had creating it.

Those of you who still have a balance of in-game currency are encouraged to spend it before the game is no longer available on Tuesday July 14th 2015. Additionally, from now until the closing date we will also be disabling the functionality to purchase Play4Free Funds, as well as the ability to register new accounts.

Thank you for playing Battlefield Heroes!


  • Why are you shutting down Battlefield Heroes?

These are hard decisions, but Battlefield Heroes is an older title that is not as popular as it once was. It has been a great experience, and we know some loyal fans will be disappointed, but we felt it was the right time to retire this veteran game.

  • What will happen to all the characters and progress that I have made?

Unfortunately everything will be deleted once the game shuts down.

  • Can I ask for a refund?

Refunds will not be available.

  • Will I be able to use my account to play other Electronic Arts games?

Your EA Origin account will not be deleted once the game shuts down. You will be able to continue using it to play other games on www.origin.com.


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